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A Wicked Aftermath by Melissa Foster


Thank you to Greys and Melissa for sending us a copy of this book.

Where do I begin with this incredible book, other than a warning GET THE TISSUES AT THE READY!!!! This book is emotional, heartfelt and soo pure. A story that starts in tragedy and ends WOW!!!

Tank is a huge, hulking sexy man with a heart bigger than he is. After his sister died he struggled to come back to life until he saw Leah across the room and all of a sudden he found something to enjoy again. Tank Literally will have you swooning with his kind and caring nature, he puts everyone above himself and when he meets Leah and the 2 cutest little girls after a traumatic event his heart grows even more and his instincts to protect these ladies kicks up. Seriously you will fall in love with him.

Leah, is amazingly strong again she puts everyone in her life before herself. So when her father dies and she brings her younger brother River up and then his girls, nothing else matters until the tragic night that she loses River. Leah is so kind and caring and courageous, she literally melts you.

I don't want to delve too much into the story because it really is a story of true beauty that will have you crying and laughing but trust me you will feel all the emotions that pour out of these characters. I absolutely loved reading this book and couldn't put it down.

My Overall Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

My Passion Rating is 3 💋💋💋

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