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Covington Clybournes Short Stories


So We got sent 2 short stories literally they take probably half an hour each to read or if you have children like me and get interrupted every few minutes an hour.

The first is an Erotic story Called 'She Called him sir'

This is a boss and employee affair of the hearts story and was slightly slow to start with, as I wasn't quite sure where the story was going but after the first act, I was stuck in reading and felt compelled to find out what happened next. This book has some delicious scenes which maybe could have been taken a little further for my liking however, the emotive words pulled you in and kept you captive. I was completely enthralled when the story ended and I just wanted some more but overall this was a good quick read and enjoyable.

The second is a Horror Called 'Shadows in the courtyard'

Those that know me, know horror is like hell for me. I get scared at my own shadow some days and I hate being held in a scary situation not knowing what is happening or going to happen. HOWEVER, I absolutely loved this about of the two books this was my favourite. The way this story unfolds within such a short space of time is incredible I was gripped from the first page and was gutted when I got to the end I had to keep checking my screen to make sure my mind was not playing tricks on me. This story follows a couple who travel to a house which has a terrible story behind its previous owners and people who have followed since them.

As you will have noticed I haven't really told you about what happens in these books. This IS intentional because you need to hop on over to Amazon and get them. They are brilliant reads for when you have a little time to kill but not enough for a full book and they are soo fulfilling.

Thank you soo much for allowing me to read these I have.

My ratings are - She called him Sir 3💋

Shadows in the courtyard 4 1/2 💋

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