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Hope by Lauren Grace


Thank you so much for sending me a copy of this book to read it was WOW!

The author of this book did something i have never seen before and it was just wow!1

I will be 100% honest in the beginning of this book i was a bit like OMG this is soo Jumpy and moves really quick but by the end i was literally like this book is freaking amazing because what the author did was the take the journey of the character Neve and her relationship and followed that in her life.

she literally used her writing to show how fast and jumpy the characters life is and the second her life slowed down so did the writing by the end i was literally like how the hell did i not see that in the beginning.

The story of hope is one of freaking beauty. We follow Neve who is a young women out in the world trying to make something of herself and live out her dreams. She meets a man who feeds her more a life of lies in 4 weeks and then just disappears leaving Neve to find out she is pregnant and now going to be a single mom.

when hope arrives Neve's life changed completely everything she thought she knew was out the window. Hope was the center of everything. i don't want to go into detail about the rest of hope story as you need to read it to find out what happens but some of the events that happen to hope lead Never to finding Jack who is my hero. He takes on a single mom who is about to face one of the toughest things any parent ever should and he stands by her supporting her and hope.

Lauren, I just about kept it together throughout this book but those letters broke me. I sat sobbing like a baby. This story is just, honestly i don't have the words to describe how wonderful it is. each character serves such a purpose in the story. Bella and Pearl are hilarious. seriously i loved them in fact i loved every single character. thank you I can not wait to read more.

My Overall rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

My Passion rating is 4 💋💋💋💋💋

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