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Our Thing Duet By Nicci Harris


Thank you soo much Nicci Harris for sending me a copy to read and review, now I need to take a break and prepare myself for her way because OMG was this duet incredible.

This is the second and third book in the Kids of the district series and follows Cassidy and Max.

Our Thing is the first book in the duet and is just the beginning of Cassidy Slater and Max Butcher's story. Max is a bad boy who works in his family business whilst the young sweet and innocent Cassidy is a ballerina who has lived a pretty sheltered life compared to Max.

The chemistry throughout this book was literally pouring off the pages. The story takes you on one hell of a journey and one I also didn't see coming.

Max tries his hardest throughout this duet to Cassidy away from the bad side of himself and his family business but Casidy is a stubborn young woman who wants all of him not just what is on the surface.

There are definitely trigger warnings for this book, with scenes of rape, violence and abuse.

But this book is seriously incredible and will tantalise your tastebuds for book 2 and more of their story.

Casa Nostra is book 2 in Max and Cassidy's story. if you have read this and thought book 1 took you on a journey believe me nothing could have prepared me for the journey this book takes you on.

every single cell in your body will be on edge waiting to find out more about how their story unfolds yet when it happens you just are not prepared in the slightest. These two characters are incredible and their story is just WOW!!! I haven't really delved too much into what the book entails because I would just completely spoil it for you and this duet deserves to be read.

Nicci I certainly was not prepared for the Butcher boys but boy am I glad I have them in my life now, bring on Book 4 in the series...

Here is the Link for this book;

My Overall Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

My Passion Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋



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