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Prey By V T Do


Thank you bed & books pr and VT Do for sending me a copy of this book to read.

This is the second instalment in Roman and Ryleighs story and boy is it a blooming Crocker.

This book had me gripped from the beginning.

Ryleigh is soo much stronger and fierce in this book everything I wanted her to be in book 1 but she came into this book with a new fierceness that just had me in awe.

Roman was incredible again in this book, strong, caring, loyal and a total badass.

So when this book start Roman has abducted Ryleigh after she found out his real identity and she just wakes up from the drugs wearing off.

This really set the Scene of them in the cabin and being alone and then seeing Roman in trouble only solidified how much she did actually live him aside from his faults and his past.

These two especially Ryleigh go on an epic journey of discovery and seeing just how much those that were close to her were different to what she had first thought. Those that she loved were more corrupt than she could of ever imagined. Not only that but these two have some incredible sexual energy and some of those scenes damn they were hot and there were plenty of them too.

What I lived about this story is that every time you think you have a grip on stuff something happens and has you saying Omg the ending of this books was amazing twists and turns and truths right until the end. Brilliant.

My Overall Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

My Character Rating is 5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

My Smut Rating is 4 🍆🍆🍆🍆

My Angst Rating is 4 😬😬😬😬



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