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Pride & Punishment By Amaryllis Lanza


Firstly Thank you once again Amaryllis for including us in your ARC Team for this book. This book Releases tomorrow April 1st. So go preorder and get the rest of the series while you are at it.

So where do I begin other than this book is freaking awesome. This story is still telling Will and Marianna and we pick back up pretty much a few weeks after book 2 Codes and consequences left us.

Will and Marianna are still hopelessly in love and are reconnecting and making sure they understand each other, Will still needs to contain the trouble that is brewing within and outside of the organisation in which he is head. He tries his best to keep his cards close to his chest and to not worry Marianna but she is a naughty little minx and always goes looking for the answers which can lead her into trouble. I am not going to go into too much detail on how the book unfolds because it needs to be read to be believed.

This story has twists and turns when you don't think there could be any or anymore. the passion is heightened in this book as Will and Marianna grow even closer as a couple. We get to meet new characters in this story which add to the beauty of this book. I have seriously laughed, cried, been on the edge of my seat and wanted to scream through this book and yet I have absolutely loved every second of reading it. This book is really wonderful and now I can not wait for Book 4 in the Billionaire Spy Series. ARRGGHHHH!!!

My Overall Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

Passion rating 4 1/2 💋💋💋💋😘

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