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The Chief By Arabella Black

Thank you Arabella for sending us a copy of this book it's very much appreciated.

Where do I start with this book well The Chief is about a community of people/friends who live in a gated community and work for a few different organisations but mostly the police department. The Chief/Charles himself is in charge and the people of the community help out as they all intercept human traffickers and help rehabilitate them back into “normal” life. When they have intercepted one of these trafficker rings in progress a girl called Grey comes to stay with the Chief.

Grey has been through a lot but you get snippets throughout the book as it progresses as to what extent she has actually been through.

The two main characters within the book also are brothers Remo and Vegas they and Charles become love interests for Grey.

At the beginning of the book, it was a little confusing to me in the manner of the story because it's stated that this book is a mafia book but I couldn’t really understand what was happening. Most of the action seemed to happen later on through the book and then towards the end of the book is when you really get to where the mafia side comes into play. Overall it's a good book but I felt it was just missing a little something.

Overall Rating 31/2 💋💋💋😘

Passion Rating 3 💋💋💋

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