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The Forever Plan By Amy Alves


Thank you soo much Amy for sending this copy over to us. This is the 3rd book in the landry series and boy what a book.

This story follows Evan and Will. A couple who meet in High school and create an unbreakable bond with chemistry that sets them apart from the rest, until life gets in the way.

Evan is just a beautiful human. He always puts everyone before himself and on the very odd occasion he doesn't he holds the guilt close to him. So when his father leaves his young brother and tells him to get out of the house and survive Evan steps in to be one heck of an amazing guardian to Trent, putting his own hopes and dreams on hold but making sure that Willa and Trents are at the forefront.

Willa is a strong women who knows what she wants out of life, she has her dreams and plans all set out but when Evan pushes her away, she holds onto her love for him knowing that he is her soul mate and the one she loves but for how long can she or will she so it.

Seriously this book was absolutly incredible. I loved every single second of reading it. Willa and Evans story was truwly beautiful, heartfelt and emotional. Every emotion in the book poured out in ever single word making you feel the same way the characters did and making you feel a part of this book.

Amy you should be so proud of yourself Wow!!!!!

My Overall Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

My Passion Ratong is 4 💋💋💋💋

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