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The Rebel By Sophie Lark


Thank you Sophie for sending over this book to us its very much appreciated.

I will start by saying this is the first book I have read from Sophie and I’m truly not disappointed I was worried at first that because it intertwines i wasn’t going to understand what was happening but that wasn’t the case.

Miles Griffin what can I say, he is truly a saviour for Zoe, he is tall handsome and has a fantastic mind when it comes to dealing. Zoe is strong within she keeps her inner self/mindset strong so no one can break her down and is very nurturing of her sister cat.

There is so much sexual tension between Miles and Zoe at some points it goes through the roof.

I enjoyed the book overall as i said above its the first time of have read one of Sophies books. The book its self was great the story line was fab and the characters all mixed together well I just felt at times it dragged just a little and it could have moved along at a little bit of a quicker pace.

Overall Rating 💋💋💋💋

Passion Rating 💋💋💋



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