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Unforgettable By C.R.Riley


Thank you C.R.Riley for sending us a copy of this book.

Where do I begin, other than get the tissues at the ready as you will seriously need them.

This book follows Caleb and Faith who meet in High school and have an on and off relationship. Caleb faces soo many trials and tribulations through his life growing up and faces life changing events that send him into a Grumpy older man. Faith is strong, sweet, innocent but never gives up on those she loves.

When these characters are faced with a life altering change its about the way they come out of it that will melt your heart. What I loved most about this book was the reality of it all and the real life events that truly help in keeping the story relevant.

Chis has done one heck of an incredible job and everyone needs to read it.

My Overall Rating is 5 💋💋💋💋💋

My Passion Rating is 4 💋💋💋💋

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